Diffraction project datasets IDP95642_5tvl

Project details

Title Crystal structure of foldase protein PrsA from Streptococcus pneumoniae str. Canada MDR_19A
Authors Borek, D., Yim, V., Kudritska, M., Wawrzak, Z., Stogios, P.J., Otwinowski, Z., Savchenko, A., Anderson, W., Center for Structural Genomics of Infectious Diseases (CSGID)
R / Rfree 0.23 / 0.30
Unit cell edges [Å] 72.32 x 70.94 x 116.63
Unit cell angles [°] 90.0, 91.5, 90.0

Dataset STR0003-1.### details

Number of frames 390 (1 - 390)
Distance [mm] 300.0
Oscillation width [°] 1.00
Wavelength [Å] 0.97872
Experiment Date 2012-10-07
Equipment 21-ID-F at APS (Advanced Photon Source)

Dataset STR0003-1b.### details

Number of frames 100 (1 - 100)
Distance [mm] 300.0
Oscillation width [°] 1.00
Phi [°] 270.0
Wavelength [Å] 0.97872
Experiment Date 2012-10-07
Equipment 21-ID-F at APS (Advanced Photon Source)

Dataset STR0003-1d.### details

Number of frames 100 (1 - 100)
Distance [mm] 300.0
Oscillation width [°] 1.00
Phi [°] 90.0
Wavelength [Å] 0.97872
Experiment Date 2012-10-07
Equipment 21-ID-F at APS (Advanced Photon Source)

Dataset STR0003-2.### details

Number of frames 250 (1 - 250)
Distance [mm] 280.0
Oscillation width [°] 1.00
Wavelength [Å] 0.97872
Experiment Date 2012-10-07
Equipment 21-ID-F at APS (Advanced Photon Source)