Diffraction project datasets FN12626A_3g23

  • Method: MAD
  • Resolution: 1.89 Å
  • Space group: P 21 21 21
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PDB website for 3G23


Project details

Title Crystal structure of a ld-carboxypeptidase a (saro_1426) from novosphingobium aromaticivorans dsm at 1.89 A resolution
Authors Das, D., Herve, M., Elsliger, M.A., Kadam, R.U., Grant, J.C., Chiu, H.J., Knuth, M.W., Klock, H.E., Miller, M.D., Godzik, A., Lesley, S.A., Deacon, A.M., Mengin-Lecreulx, D., Wilson, I.A.
R / Rfree 0.17 / 0.21
Unit cell edges [Å] 43.63 x 91.04 x 145.74
Unit cell angles [°] 90.0, 90.0, 90.0

Dataset 103236_1_E1_###.mccd details

Number of frames 90 (1 - 90)
Distance [mm] 250.0
Oscillation width [°] 1.00
Phi [°] 181.0
Wavelength [Å] 0.97985
Experiment Date 2008-12-07
Equipment BL9-2 at SSRL (Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory)

Dataset 103236_1_E2_###.mccd details

Number of frames 90 (1 - 90)
Distance [mm] 250.0
Oscillation width [°] 1.00
Phi [°] 181.0
Wavelength [Å] 0.91162
Experiment Date 2008-12-07
Equipment BL9-2 at SSRL (Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory)

Dataset 103236_3_###.mccd details

Number of frames 90 (1 - 90)
Distance [mm] 325.0
Oscillation width [°] 1.00
Phi [°] 181.0
Wavelength [Å] 0.97971
Experiment Date 2008-12-07
Equipment BL9-2 at SSRL (Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory)